tl;dr can I manually tell the SDK which license to use without pulling the chart from the replicated registry (and without duplicating the entire replicated
injected payload)?
Today I’ve set up my application (GitHub - slackernews/slackernews) to publish a release to the AWS marketplace. My github action handles both pushing images to ecr as well as pushing the helm chart to ECR.
When installing, I’ve configured my Marketplace listing to display install instructions for several parameters
helm install slackernews \
--namespace slackernews ./* \
--set \
--set slack.userToken=xoxp-REDACTED \
--set slack.botToken=xoxb-REDACTED \
--set slack.clientId=REDACTED \
--set slack.clientSecret=REDACTED \
--set slackernews.adminUserEmails=REDACTED
The issue is that Slackernews requires the replicated
SDK to be running to function well, and without being installed via the Replicated registry, no license information is injected into the helm values payload.
If I were going to deliver a “Bring Your Own License” application, I could get by with just a single helm value that would inject the License ID, e.g.
--set replicated.licenseId=$LICENSE_ID_I_GOT_FROM_SLACKERNEWS_TEAM
is something like this possible today?