Determine disk usage by volumes on a ceph storage cluster

When running a kubernetes cluster backed by rook/ceph, such as kURL, you may want to know how much actual data is stored in ceph on the mounted PVs. To do this you can run these commands

NOTE: These commands assume a kURL cluster with the rook/ceph addon

  • Get the rook/ceph tools pod name. We’ll run ceph commands on this pod
kubectl get pods -l app=rook-ceph-tools -n rook-ceph
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
rook-ceph-tools-6465749568-jp4jc   1/1     Running   0          48m
  • Check the overall usage of ceph storage. Here you can see how the object store (rook-ceph-store), ceph pools (replicapool) and the shared file system (rook-shared-fs) utilise the available space. In my test cluster, replicapool ceph pool is used to provide storage space for kubernetes PVs.
kubectl exec -n rook-ceph rook-ceph-tools-6465749568-jp4jc -- ceph df
hdd    200 GiB  197 GiB  2.6 GiB   2.6 GiB       1.30
TOTAL  200 GiB  197 GiB  2.6 GiB   2.6 GiB       1.30

--- POOLS ---
POOL                                ID  PGS   STORED  OBJECTS     USED  %USED  MAX AVAIL
.mgr                                 1    1  577 KiB        2  580 KiB      0    187 GiB
replicapool                          2   32  2.5 GiB      705  2.5 GiB   1.33    187 GiB
rook-ceph-store.rgw.control          3    8      0 B        8      0 B      0    187 GiB
rook-shared-fs-metadata              4   16  3.3 KiB       19   32 KiB      0    187 GiB
rook-ceph-store.rgw.meta             5    8  2.8 KiB       14   48 KiB      0    187 GiB
rook-shared-fs-data0                 6   32      0 B        0      0 B      0    187 GiB
rook-ceph-store.rgw.log              7    8   23 KiB      308  652 KiB      0    187 GiB
rook-ceph-store.rgw.buckets.index    8    8      0 B       33      0 B      0    187 GiB
rook-ceph-store.rgw.buckets.non-ec   9    8      0 B        0      0 B      0    187 GiB
rook-ceph-store.rgw.otp             10    8      0 B        0      0 B      0    187 GiB
.rgw.root                           11    8  4.8 KiB       16   60 KiB      0    187 GiB    12   32  807 KiB        5  816 KiB      0    187 GiB

  • Check your PVs. Note that the capacity values are reservation of space in the storage engine (ceph). Think of this as the size of your disk in a VM.
kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                     STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-49d1c4af-d50b-40b5-ab93-a370709206af   1Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    default/kotsadm-rqlite-kotsadm-rqlite-0   default                 30m
pvc-ade284ee-1917-4cb3-a278-d246241a8065   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    default/nginx-claim                       default                 5m37s
pvc-bc75a782-f9d0-4fd1-bf58-79b29b27a879   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    minio/minio-pv-claim                      default                 32m
  • Find out how much space is used in your volume. We’ll inspect default/nginx-claim which has a capacity of 10Gi.
    • Get the imageName value from the PV object. This maps to a RADOS Block Device (RBD) image which is a ceph block storage primitive.
kubectl describe pv pvc-ade284ee-1917-4cb3-a278-d246241a8065
Name:            pvc-ade284ee-1917-4cb3-a278-d246241a8065
Labels:          <none>
Finalizers:      []
StorageClass:    default
Status:          Bound
Claim:           default/nginx-claim
Reclaim Policy:  Delete
Access Modes:    RWO
VolumeMode:      Filesystem
Capacity:        10Gi
Node Affinity:   <none>
    Type:              CSI (a Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume source)
    FSType:            ext4
    VolumeHandle:      0001-0009-rook-ceph-0000000000000002-7499c92d-213d-4ea6-94e0-35f27ca677b1
    ReadOnly:          false
    VolumeAttributes:      clusterID=rook-ceph
Events:                <none>
  • Now lets check how much space of the provisioned volume is in use. Note that csi-vol-7499c92d-213d-4ea6-94e0-35f27ca677b1 has 2.6GiB of the 10GiB in use
kubectl exec -n rook-ceph rook-ceph-tools-6465749568-jp4jc -- rbd du --pool=replicapool
NAME                                          PROVISIONED  USED
csi-vol-51fb01a2-54d2-472c-8149-d8856acd7ecc       10 GiB  100 MiB
csi-vol-7499c92d-213d-4ea6-94e0-35f27ca677b1       10 GiB  2.6 GiB
csi-vol-8501040b-c714-48e1-9421-24262ce6f0c8        1 GiB   40 MiB
<TOTAL>                                            21 GiB  2.7 GiB
  • You can also run radosgw-admin bucket stats command to check how the object store is utilised. The command can be verbose but you can see number of buckets and usage stats of each bucket. Here is an example truncated output
 kubectl exec -n rook-ceph rook-ceph-tools-6465749568-jp4jc -- radosgw-admin bucket stats
        "bucket": "kotsadm",
        "num_shards": 11,
        "tenant": "",
        "zonegroup": "218b132c-988e-4b6c-b44d-f6c558c6312f",
        "placement_rule": "default-placement",
        "explicit_placement": {
            "data_pool": "",
            "data_extra_pool": "",
            "index_pool": ""
        "id": "14f0b1c9-2337-4094-8d03-8f03a3d65df9.4589.2",
        "marker": "14f0b1c9-2337-4094-8d03-8f03a3d65df9.4589.2",
        "index_type": "Normal",
        "owner": "kurl",
        "ver": "0#4,1#1,2#1,3#1,4#1,5#2,6#2,7#1,8#1,9#1,10#2",
        "master_ver": "0#0,1#0,2#0,3#0,4#0,5#0,6#0,7#0,8#0,9#0,10#0",
        "mtime": "0.000000",
        "creation_time": "2024-01-26T13:26:48.467580Z",
        "max_marker": "0#,1#,2#,3#,4#,5#,6#,7#,8#,9#,10#",
        "usage": {
            "rgw.main": {
                "size": 826056,
                "size_actual": 835584,
                "size_utilized": 826056,
                "size_kb": 807,
                "size_kb_actual": 816,
                "size_kb_utilized": 807,
                "num_objects": 5
        "bucket_quota": {
            "enabled": false,
            "check_on_raw": false,
            "max_size": -1,
            "max_size_kb": 0,
            "max_objects": -1