KubeletConfiguration - Can't deploy app - KOTS

Hello all,

We try to deploy our app using Replicated KOTS, in our deployment we have the need to edit sysctl values of the kube cluster, to do that we want to use a KubeletConfiguration file.
when we added the KubeletConfiguration yaml file to the Release, we encountered this error in the Kubernetes Cluster UI -
failed to run kustomize: kustomize stderr: "Error: accumulating resources: accumulation err='accumulating resources from '../../midstream': '/tmp/kotsadm1376161396/overlays/midstream' must resolve to a file': recursed accumulation of path '/tmp/kotsadm1XXXXX/overlays/midstream': accumulating resources: accumulation err='accumulating resources from '../../base': '/tmp/kotsadm1XXXXX/base' must resolve to a file': recursed accumulation of path '/tmp/kotsadm1XXXXX/base': accumulating resources: accumulation err='accumulating resources from 'yamlFile.yaml': missing metadata.name in object {{kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 KubeletConfiguration} {{ } map[] map[]}}': must build at directory: '/tmp/kotsadm1XXXXX/base/yamlFile.yaml': file is not directory\n"

Here we have the Yaml file content -

apiVersion: kubelet.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: KubeletConfiguration
allowedUnsafeSysctls: 'net.core.somaxconn'

when we run lint on this deployment we get another error -
kubeval-schema-not-found manifests/yamlFile.yaml We currently have no matching schema to lint this type of file

The whole deployment was working great on docker swarm and this is part of our migration to k8s due to swarm EOL.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @zvikir

Thanks for posting this question. I don’t think KubeletConfiguration can be controlled from your application as it is related to how kubelet is configured.
The current config options for kubelet and kubeadm are listed on the add-ons page. If you want allowedUnsafeSysctls also to be exposed, I suggest you submit a feature request through the vendor portal.

Thank you! Ill submit a feature request