Managing Custom Namespaces in a secured environment

Great Question from today:

We are trying to template below toggles under the kots-app config with no success,


We need to be able to let our customer to control these toggle on deployment, and specify the namespace accordingly for minimal RBAC permissions

Put another way, at least as I understand it, this comes down to “My customer only wants to give me access to one or more specific namespaces, and I want to make this customizable for them”

As far as I know, those flags cannot be templated - my recommendations for this are below:


Instead of requireMinimalRBAC, use supportsMinimalRBAC, and then instruct your customer to use the kots install --use-minimal-rbac flag at runtime: supportsMinimalRBAC docs

If you need to customize further, you can also use admin-console generate-manifests | Replicated Docs with the --minimal-rbac flag.


For the namespace side of things the answer here at it’s core comes down to following best practices when it comes to architecting an application for delivery into heterogenous customer environments, especially when you’re going to be a single tenant in a larger cluster.

  1. Minimize specificity / requirement when deploying the app
  2. Deploy everything into a single namespace, admin console, application, everything
  3. Don’t deploy things that need cluster wide access like Ingress Controllers, Service Meshes, etc.
    a. For example, don’t architect your app to rely on a specific ingress controller functionality if plain Service objects will solve the problem

This is fully documented here: Managing Application Namespaces | Replicated Docs


# good, namespace absent
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: spline-reticulators

Not Recommended

# bad, configurable
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: spline-reticulator
  namespace: repl{{ ConfigOption "gv_namespace" }}

If you need to pass a namespace as a parameter into a Helm chart or something, you can pass it in with {{repl Namespace}} which will return the namespace that the KOTS App Manager is already installed into.