Post install script

Hi, we have some releases that need customers to do post install manual steps. We’d like to get the commands run automatically for customers. It would also be nice to be able to warn them, that those commands are going to run on the kots console?
I spoke to chuck d’antonio about this today.

Upgraded Rook-Ceph to the latest version (v1.9.9). This requires manually deleting a helper service that is no longer necessary. Please run:

bash= kubectl delete service/csi-rbdplugin-metrics -n cloning-capability-infra

Hi, Sabrina. There’s no built in way to do this with KOTS. Generally our customers document that certain commands need to be run after upgrades. This could be a feature request for replicated though.

If you’re using helm, you could see if a post-upgrade hook could be used to automate this.

This is a feature request. We don’t use helm, we use kots.