Hello team,
Is there any way to detect in preflight.yaml if the installation corresponding to the preflight checks is a fresh installation or an upgrade. The use case is that I would like to not run some preflight checks in case of fresh installation and run them only on upgrades.
We’ve been discussing this internally, right now we don’t have support for conditionals between different analyzers within troubleshoot natively (eg. for 1 analyzer to only run conditional to another analyzer passing). We may add this in the future, but its a non-trivial feature to integrate at this time.
KOTS is able to do both of these things internally, but this may not help in terms of presenting such information in the form of preflight output:
You may be able to use the function outputs from KOTS in your preflight YAML to achieve this outcome? This would require some testing to see if it achieves the result you are looking for…