How can I see the version history of a customer in a support bundle?

Is it possible to see from a support bundle what versions were deployed and when?

A support dump should contain a copy of the KOTS Application Manager database, and a Postgres pod can be reconstructed from the database dump. This would be a great idea for an analyzer that will generate a nicely formatted report, but in the meantime you can create a Postgres pod and load the database dump into it and examine the data it contains:

cd ./<support-bundle-folder>/kots/admin_console/<namespace>/kotsadm-postgres-0
# `ls` should list a file named kotsadm-postgres-db-stdout.txt

# start a postgres pod
kubectl run postgres --image postgres --env="POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password"

# copy the file into the pod
kubectl cp kotsadm-postgres-db-stdout.txt postgres:/tmp

# exec into the pod and load file into the database
kubectl exec -it postgres bash

# inside the pod, start a postgres client
psql -U postgres -f /tmp/kotsadm-postgres-db-stdout.txt

# examine the database
psql -U postgres

# postgres=# 
select app_id, sequence, update_cursor, channel_name, upstream_released_at, created_at, version_label from app_version;

app_id             | sequence | update_cursor | channel_name  | upstream_released_at |         created_at         | version_label
 abcdefg1234567890 |        0 | 1             | Stable-10.5.2 | 2022-04-05 12:51:29  | 2022-06-24 22:40:21.710572 | 10.5.2_303
 abcdefg1234567890 |        1 | 1             | Stable-10.5.2 |                      | 2022-07-25 17:59:02.251215 | 10.5.2_303
 abcdefg1234567890 |        2 | 33            | Stable        | 2022-06-30 19:32:04  | 2022-07-25 17:59:14.357903 | 10.8.1_381
(3 rows)
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@adamancini I’m guessing this is no longer possible any more since the rqlite switch?

If you’re using a build with rqlite, we can do the same with a sqlite client (I’m using sqlite3 installed on my workstation because I couldn’t find an official sqlite image):

cd ./<support-bundle-folder>/kots/admin_console/<namespace>/kotsadm-rqlite-0

and in the interactive console in sqlite:

sqlite> .read kotsadm-rqlite-db-stdout.txt
sqlite> .headers ON
sqlite> select app_id, sequence, update_cursor, channel_name, upstream_released_at, created_at, version_label from app_version;
