How to access the registry embedded with kURL

When using kURL as your kubernetes distro, you might sometimes want to check which images are loaded in the registry add-on.

By default the embedded registry will run as a Service of type ClusterIp. So in order to access the registry with regular docker commands, some minor changes will need to be done:

  • From the instance with kURL installed (capture registry password)
  • From the instance with docker installed
    • Update /etc/hosts by adding [kurl_ip] registry
    • Update /etc/docker/daemon.json with
      "insecure-registries" : ["registry:5000"]
    • Restart docker: sudo systemctl restart docker
    • Run docker login registry:5000 -u kurl -p [the_password]
    • Run docker pull [regsitry/your-image]
    • Run docker image ls