How to: use a logical `and` to evaluate a conditional expression mixed with config and license value

Currently, we only have ConfigOptionEquals function for config value check. To use a and to evaluate a conditional expression mixed with license bool value like

 repl{{ and (LicenseFieldValue "<LICENSE_FIELD_NAME :: boolean-typed>") (ConfigOptionEquals "<CONFIG_NAME: boolean-typed" "1") }}

You need to use ParseBool

For example, you have set option-1 false and license-field-1 false . Then the template is like

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: test
  option-1: '{{repl ConfigOptionEquals "option-1" "0"}}'
  license-field-1: '{{repl LicenseFieldValue "license-field-1" }}'
  when: '{{repl and (LicenseFieldValue "license-field-1" | ParseBool) (ConfigOptionEquals "option-1" "0")}}'

After rendered by kots, you will have

  license-field-1: "false"
  option-1: "true"
  when: "false"

Without ParseBool, you will always get true as return for when

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