Merge lists in optionalValues

hi team! Is it possible to recursively merge lists in optionalValues ? Or maybe there is another mechanizm I can use instead?

    - when: <CONDITIOAN A>
      recursiveMerge: true
            - label: "App1"
              url: 'url1'

    - when: <CONDITIOAN B>
      recursiveMerge: true
            - label: "App2"
              url: 'url2'
    - when: <CONDITIOAN C>
      recursiveMerge: true
            - label: "App3"
              url: 'url3'

the expected result (if all conditions true):

            - label: "App1"
              url: 'url1'
            - label: "App2"
              url: 'url2'    
            - label: "App3" 
              url: 'url3'

I’m looking for a way to build a list based on a set of conditions and pass as helm value. Thanks!

Hi @Lukasz_Werenkowicz, I don’t believe this is possible today with optional values that are arrays, though it does seem like a reasonable feature request. Let me see if I can find a workaround for you in the meantime and I’ll share it here.

Certainly not the cleanest, but here is a potential workaround that might get you the resulting values that you are looking for. If you do find a cleaner solution, please do share it here.

In this case, I define some config items that are of type bool. These will represent the conditionals for each of the nav items you want to render out. Additionally I’ve also added some hidden config items that contain the resulting yaml that I want rendered for each.

    - name: app_1_enabled
      title: Enable App 1
      type: bool
    - name: app_1_nav_value
      title: App 1 Nav Value
      type: text
      hidden: true
      value: |
        - name: "App1"
          url: "url1"
    - name: app_2_enabled
      title: Enable App 2
      type: bool
    - name: app_2_nav_value
      title: App 2 Nav Value
      type: text
      hidden: true
      value: |
        - name: "App2"
          url: "url2"

In the HelmChart custom resource, you can use the the ConfigOption combined with nindent to render each value accordingly.

    navLinks: repl{{ if ConfigOptionEquals "app_1_enabled" "1" }}repl{{ ConfigOption "app_1_nav_value" | nindent 6 }}repl{{ end }}repl{{ if ConfigOptionEquals "app_2_enabled" "1" }}repl{{ ConfigOption "app_2_nav_value" | nindent 6 }}repl{{ end }}

This would result in the following values if both checkboxes were selected by the user:

  - name: App1
    url: url1
  - name: App2
    url: url2

Thank you, @craig!
The workaround works very well.
As for now, I only have 3 items in my list (but each condition contains 2 checks) so, the code is still maintainable… but with more variables it may be problematic.

Having and additional param to control the merge strategy would be a really nice feature. Thanks!

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