Quick way to test Template Functions?


Do we have a way, (may be in Replicated CLI?) to test Template Functions?

For example:

'{{repl ConfigOption "1" | ParseBool }}'

Running this on the command line should return true on the STDOUT. It will be really helpful, to do short tests like this for building out the KOTS configuration screen and values.

Best Regards,

Have you found answer for this question? I’m searching documentation to get how to do this quick tests which would be very handy in development complex configurations.

Hello @Vitaliy,

Unfortunately, I haven’t found it yet.

Best Regards,

Hi @ravi_devarakonda @Vitaliy there’s no dedicated sandbox for {{repl}} template functions. Everything is inherited from go templating, so depending on what you’re trying to do, a Go Templates sandbox might do the trick.

Short of that, we do have a published guide for using kots download and kots upload to quickly iterate on new versions. Fastest way to iterate on a Replicated Release

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Thank you @dex for the reply. That makes sense. I’ll check the link you posted!

Best Regards,

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