Unable to exclude helm chart

I would like to exclude nfs helm chart for cloud deployments. As per the documentation. I tried specifying kots.io/exclude annotation. It doesn’t seem to be working.

apiVersion: kots.io/v1beta1
kind: HelmChart
    kots.io/exclude: '{{repl not IsKurl}}'
  name: nfs-server-provisioner
  namespace: '{{repl Namespace}}'
    name: nfs-server-provisioner
    chartVersion: 1.1.3
      enabled: true
      size: 100Gi

What Is the issue here?
Doesn’t helm chart exclude doesn’t work with repl templates?


Note that {{repl not IsKurl}} will return true when the solution is not installed in cluster done by KURL. So, if you are looking for to say to kots does not apply a manifest when the application is running in a KURL cluster then it should be kots.io/exclude: '{{repl IsKurl}}' instead.

I hope that can help you out.

There is an exclude field in the HelmChart custom resource that is used for this purpose.