Create a license with Zapier

It’s easy to create licenses using the Replicated API, and Zapier makes interacting with the Replicated API especially easy.

To get started, you’ll need to know three pieces of information:

  • Your API Token
  • The App ID for the application you’re licensing
  • The Channel ID that the license belongs to

You can find all three of these by following the steps outlined here: Finding Your Vendor API Token and App ID.

Once you have that information handy, go to Zapier and create a new integration. Step one of the integration would be to connect up your CRM (like Salesforce, Pipedrive, or any other where you want to drive licensing from). Once you’ve selected your CRM as the originator of the action in Zapier, choose a “Webhook POST” action as step two.

In the URL field, put
Choose Json as the Payload Type.

Create the following data fields:

  • assignee - The name of your Customer from your CRM
  • update_policy - This should be either manual or automatic, depending on your desired update policy (see Update Policies, Checks and Application for more details)
  • require_activation - This should be either ‘true’ or ‘false’, depending on whether or not your application requires activation.
  • activation_email -Either a placeholder email, or the email address of your customer.
  • app_id - The value for the application ID that you collected from earlier in this answer.
  • channel_id - The value the channel ID that you collected from earlier in this answer.
  • airgap_download_enabled - This should be either true or false, depending on whether or not this is an airagap customer.
  • expiration_date - The date the license should expire, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • expiration_policy - Either ignore, noupdate-norestart, or noupdate-stop, depending on your policies around what should happen when the license expires.
  • license_type - Either trial, dev, or paid

Wrap Request In Array”, “File”, “Unflatten”, and “_Basic Aut_h” can all be skipped.

Add a Header in the “Headers” section. The Key should be Authorization and the value should be the Vendor API Token you collected in the section above.

Successfully creating the license will return the new License to you. Record the License.Id in your CRM for use in updating licenses via your CRM.