I’m trying to work around this Safari issue by disabling HTTP2 with the Contour ingress: https://projectcontour.io/resources/faq/#q-when-i-load-my-site-in-safari-it-shows-me-an-empty-page-developer-tools-show-that-the-http-response-was-421-why-does-this-happen
However, I cannot find a way to customize the Contour config to do this.
I see there’s a configmap defined by kURL which includes a Contour config, given by kubectl get configmap -n projectcontour contour -o yaml
. I’m not sure if this can be customized beyond the options described on https://kurl.sh/docs/add-ons/contour. Help is appreciated!
Edit: my current workaround is to run these commands on the KOTS node:
# Get current Contour config
# https://projectcontour.io/docs/main/configuration/
CONTOUR_CONFIG=$(kubectl get configmap -n projectcontour contour -o=jsonpath="{.data['contour\.yaml']}")
# Append configuration to enable HTTP/1.1 only (disable HTTP/2)
CONTOUR_CONFIG+=$'\ndefault-http-versions:\n- HTTP/1.1\n'
# Encode as a literal JSON string
# Patch the configmap with the new Contour config
kubectl patch configmap -n projectcontour contour --type="json" -p="[{\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/data/contour.yaml\", \"value\": ${CONTOUR_CONFIG_JSON_STRING}}]"
# Restart Contour so changes take effect
kubectl rollout restart deployment contour -n projectcontour