What happens when a Replicated product reaches end of life?

Replicated’s support lifecycle policy can be found here.

When a product has reached its end of life, it will no longer be supported, patched, or fixed by Replicated. Associated product documentation may no longer be available.

New installations of the product will no longer be possible.

Existing installations on the EOL product will no longer be able to pull application or license updates, but will otherwise be unaffected and will continue to run Replicated and the application.

The Replicated Registry may no longer serve docker images for the affected application. This may include images stored directly in the Replicated Registry as well as those pulled by using the Replicated Registry as an authenticating mirror/proxy.

The Replicated team will continue to engage in a support capacity if and only if the engagement involves assisting migrating end customers to a GA-product-based deployment of your application.