What is the difference between a local disk snapshot and a SFTP snapshot?

What is the difference between a local disk snapshot and a SFTP snapshot? Can I create a local snapshot and then move it to an SFTP server and THEN restore from the SFTP server?

The local snapshot is stored on the same server where replicated is running. It does not require ssh credentials but is not recommended for production.

The SFTP snapshot has better performance than local and is suitable for disaster recovery.

Yes, you should be able to copy a local snapshot directory to a remote server and then restore with SFTP.

When attempted this did not work. Also, backing up to SFTP and then moving the backup to another SFTP server to restore failed. The restore attempted to connect to the original SFTP server and was only successful AFTER adding a new ip/32 matching the original SFTP server ip to the new host.