What is the function of each of the Replicated Docker images?

  • quay.io/replicated/replicated The daemon that runs Replicated services and starts the application. It communicates with the external Replicated API and registry unless running in airgap mode. This is the only component that communicates externally.
  • quay.io/replicated/replicated-ui Provides the Replicated console which listens on host port 8800. It communicates internally with the Replicated daemon and with the premkit service.
  • quay.io/replicated/replicated-operator A utility image to transfer files between the host and daemon and to run application containers if using the native scheduler. It communicates internally with the Replicated daemon on port 9879.
  • registry.replicated.com/library/premkit This serves as a reverse proxy to the audit log, metrics, and integration services. It communicates internally with the daemon, audit log, and metrics services.
  • registry.replicated.com/library/statsd-graphite This image is used for a metrics service that runs when the application is running.
  • registry.replicated.com/library/support-bundle This image is run to collect system information when the customer creates a support bundle.
  • registry.replicated.com/library/cmd This image may be used for custom commands if configured in the application yaml. It may communicate internally or externally if configured to do so by the vendor’s application.
  • registry.replicated.com/library/retraced Retraced provides an API and worker for the audit log component and communicates internally with the audit log’s Postgres and NSQ services. The following are the API and worker containers:
    • retraced-processor
    • retraced-api
    • retraced-cron
  • registry.replicated.com/library/retraced-postgres This is the database for the audit log.
  • registry.replicated.com/library/retraced-nsq This is the audit log’s queue.

Learn more about Replicated’s networking requirements.

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