Why do i see the error `Docker references with both a tag and digest are currently not supported`?

I’d like to use digests for security and repeatability of installations. However, when using SHAs in my kubernetes manifest image declarations, I get the following error:

Docker references with both a tag and digest are currently not supported

Why are digests not supported?

Good question and this is something that is currently planned on our immediate roadmap (Trello) but as of today these are the reasons we don’t currently have support:

Good news! As of KOTS 1.81.0, image tags and digests can be used together wherever image digests are currently supported, which as @grant mentioned is in:

fully online installs where all images can be pulled from the Replicated registry, a public repo, or proxied from a private repo via the Replicated registry

We are also still working towards image digest support for all use-cases.

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